Antiracist Resources
Racial Justice Resources
Until the killing of black men, black mothers’ sons, becomes as important to the rest of the country as the killing of a white mother’s son, we who believe in freedom cannot rest until this happens.”

Anti-Racist Training
White Awake. White Awake combats white supremacy by focusing on educational resources and spiritual practices designed to engage people who’ve been socially categorized as “white” in the creation of a just and sustainable society. White Awake Website
The Untraining: The UNtraining is a provocative and compassionate approach to help people discover how to work together in extraordinary ways to end our collusion with racism and all forms of oppression. The UNtraining provides insights and tools for all levels of experience and activism to white people and people of color. Website
Fierce Allies: Practices for Fiercely equitable & just relationships across the divide. Website
Showing up for Racial Justice (Surj) – A national network of groups and individuals working to undermine white supremacy and to work toward racial justice. Through community organizing, mobilizing, and education, SURJ moves white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority for justice with passion and accountability. They work to connect people across the country while supporting and collaborating with local and national racial justice organizing efforts. SURJ provides a space to build relationships, skills and political analysis to act for change. Website
Education For Racial Equity is a cross-racial and inter-generational non-profit organization committed to illuminating and dismantling the system of white supremacy, globally. Guided by the principles of both Anti-Racism and Anti-Racist activism, we take a multi-faceted approach to systemic change. ERE creates opportunities to develop awareness of the nature and function of whiteness/white supremacy, its impact on all peoples, and how it intersects with other systems of oppression. Our intention is to support integrated and embodied change within ourselves and those who work with us – Website
This is an excellent video about race in America.
What white people can do for racial justice on Medium link
Barack Obama – How to make this moment the turning poing for real change on Medium Link
Rapper Killer Mike pleads with Atlanta demonstrators to “burn” systemic racism, not the city Video Link
Forty Million African Amercians are Heartbroken – Speech by Van Jones . He talks about two pathways: Civil unrest or bipartisan police reform within weeks Link
Recommended Books and Radio Shows:
Seeing White radio show from on Scene on Radio – Seeing White Link –
White Fragility: Why it’s so Hard for White People to Talk about Racism By Robin DiAngelo Link
How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi Link