Nov 2, 2020
It feels dark out there. I am craving light. Some light filters through the shadows. The full moon lit up Halloween as I walked among vampires in gorgeous capes. Yesterday, the golden maple leaves reminded me that every seasonal reign eventually ends. Lately, I am...
Oct 11, 2020
Jolie’s talk on The Mighty Oak at the Center for Spiritual Living in Redding, California on September 27th, 2020 was recorded for Facebook Live. Scroll to 12:00 minutes for her presentation. Thank you to the Center for Spiritual Living for the invitation...
Sep 23, 2020
Since you are on this wild list, I assume you have either conversed with nature or believe it is possible. Maybe it is something you want to explore. When I tell the random person (or muggle) I talk with plants and animals, the responses vary. Eyes roll; someone...
Jul 14, 2020
Welcome to the Herbal Medicine Circle! When the Pandemic began, Herbalist Kami McBride wanted bring together plant lovers from around the world to have a tea ceremony. The idea was simple – make tea together and infuse the herbal medicine we make with love...
May 5, 2020
When you have been listening to it for a long time, the Language of Nature requires no translation. Recently, a bald eagle was riding a thermal outside my door. Two days later, I was hiking our local mountain with my mind stressing on running a business at tax time. ...