Awaken Your Nature
VIDEO: Intelligence of Nature
Jolie speaks with Herbalist Matthew Wood about the Intelligence of Nature. Learn more about GoWild’s program HERE.
Roots of Resilience for Uncertain Times
Reawaken your radical interconnectedness to all life. Be part of the Earth Healing herself as we move through the Great Turning toward a life-sustaining future. Delve into the Work that Reconnects.
Wisdom of the Oaks - Education Program
Students embark on an ecological and culinary adventure to explore the oak web of life and how we are woven within this web
Earth Wisdom, Herbalism, and Ethnobotany
We offer a wide range of programs for your school, organization, or group. We also lead foraging adventures.
Online Training - Botany for Herbalists
Taught by Master Herbalist Matthew Wood and Jolie Elan. This class provides herbalists with foundational knowledge of botany.
The Language of Nature: Intro to the Gaian Tongue
Learn to interpret the language of nature. Grow your ability to source directly from our Earth for healing and wisdom.
Nature Communication Class Forming
We want to hear from you - this class is currently being developed. What are you interested in?
Botanical and Ethnobotanical Consulting
From rare plant surveys to ethnobotanical inventories, Go Wild offers botanical expertise.
Go Nuts.
Join the WILD Conversation!

Roots of Resilience in Uncertain Times:
5-Part Webinar in The Work that Reconnects
Due to popular demand, we have opened new sections.
Facilitated by Molly Young Brown and Jolie Elan