Feb 17, 2021
By Jolie Elan, reprinted with permission from workthatreconnects.org My Southern Oregon home town nestles in millions of forested acres. It is paradise, until fire season strikes. Then it feels more like, well, that other place where you always want ice...
Dec 21, 2020
Jolie’s untimely death on Nov. 3oth from cancer has been a shock to us all and we are committed to continuing her wonderful work. How this will happen is evolving. If you are on the mailing list you will get updates and if you want to learn more about Go Wild...
Nov 2, 2020
It feels dark out there. I am craving light. Some light filters through the shadows. The full moon lit up Halloween as I walked among vampires in gorgeous capes. Yesterday, the golden maple leaves reminded me that every seasonal reign eventually ends. Lately, I am...
Oct 11, 2020
Jolie’s talk on The Mighty Oak at the Center for Spiritual Living in Redding, California on September 27th, 2020 was recorded for Facebook Live. Scroll to 12:00 minutes for her presentation. Thank you to the Center for Spiritual Living for the invitation...
Sep 23, 2020
Since you are on this wild list, I assume you have either conversed with nature or believe it is possible. Maybe it is something you want to explore. When I tell the random person (or muggle) I talk with plants and animals, the responses vary. Eyes roll; someone...
Jul 30, 2020
It’s deeply disturbing to live within in a dominator culture that maintains supremacy by force. It’s horrible, but not surprising since one of the most influential creation myths of our time instructs humans to dominate every creature on earth. Creation...
Jul 14, 2020
Welcome to the Herbal Medicine Circle! When the Pandemic began, Herbalist Kami McBride wanted bring together plant lovers from around the world to have a tea ceremony. The idea was simple – make tea together and infuse the herbal medicine we make with love...
Jun 2, 2020
As the fires of racism and injustice burn, how are you holding the pain of our imperiled world? (See below for antiracist resources) What’s on your heart as you witness the great unraveling of our economic, social, and ecological systems? Let’s remember the...
May 5, 2020
When you have been listening to it for a long time, the Language of Nature requires no translation. Recently, a bald eagle was riding a thermal outside my door. Two days later, I was hiking our local mountain with my mind stressing on running a business at tax time. ...
Apr 13, 2020
When the Europeans arrived in North America, the Algonquin tribes believed the newcomers were infected by a psychic virus that turned them into Wetikos. A Wetiko is an icy-hearted predatory monster consumed with a spirit of greed that cannibalizes life. Wetikos are...