GoWild Clients
A selection from the wide array of Go Wild projects:
Applied Environmental Research Foundation
Pune, India. Worked to restore Sacred Groves in India, which are repositories of forest biodiversity and important medicinal plant populations.
Learn more: www.aerfindia.org

Minsk, Belarus. Advised Belarus’ largest private medicinal plant processor, in good management practices to improve quality and marketability. Developed novel herbal formulas.

Bay Area Early Detection Network
Berkeley, California. Verified invasive plant populations suitable for early detection and rapid response.
Learn more: www.baedn.org

Berkeley Public Library
Berkeley, California. Teach deep ecology and ethnobotany enrichment programs to the public

California Institute for Integral Studies
San Francisco, California. Guest Lecturer in EcoResilience Program

Center for Ecoliteracy
Berkeley, California. Presented at Ecoliteracy Symposium.
Learn more: vwww.ecoliteracy.org

Cleveland Elementary
Oakland, California. Ecoliteracy education for 4th and 5th graders.

CoEvolution Institute
San Francisco, California. Authored scientifically accurate articles pertaining to the conservation of medicinal plants as a joint effort of the IUCN Medicinal Plant Specialist Group, Plant Conservation Alliance and the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign.

San Francisco, California. Go Wild provided content for an immersive, location aware audio walk featuring the flora of Golden Gate Park. www.detour.com

Diane Feinstein Elementary School PTA
San Francisco, California. Brought the Wisdom of the Oak program to over 500 students.

East West Forestry
Go Wild worked with East West Foresty to develop three Forest Carbon Projects for the City of Arcata creating verifiable carbon offsets in exchange for forest conservation. These offset credits are registered at the Climate Action Reserve

Friends of the Van Duzen River
Carlotta, California. Monitored forest practices in the Van Duzen Watershed; raised community awareness of organization and cause; secured pro bono law services from nationally renowned environmental law firm. Edited and contributed to the Citizens’ Response to the Van Duzen Watershed Analysis.

Gathering Thyme
San Anselmo, California. Teach Botany and Herbalism classes. Lead herbal adventures.

Hidden Villa Ranch
Los Altos Hills, California. Teach workshops on oak ecology and acorn food.

Humboldt Watershed Council
Arcata, California. Submitted watershed management recommendations for the Humboldt County General Plan.
Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
Lead Jewish themed ethnobotany walks as part of the Urban Gardening Program

Lomakatsi Restoration Project
Coordinated the Ashland Watershed Summer Youth Training and Employment Program

Kosovo Business Support
Pristina, Kosovo. Co-Authored – “A Harvester’s Handbook on the Sustainable Wild Collection of Medicinal Plants in Kosovo” (translated into Albanian and Serbian).

Manor Elementary School
Fairfax, CA. We partner with teachers to bring the Wisdom of the Oak program to 4th grade students.

Mercy Corps
Preliminary development of Herbal Enterprises Revitalizing Business Sustainably (HERBS) program to promote the sustainable harvesting of wild herbs in order to improve the economic livelihood of rural communities.

Napa County Park and Regional Open Space District
Napa, California. Go Wild teaches field and classroom ecology classes as part of the District’s efforts to restore and Re-Oak Napa Valley. www.napaoutdoors.org

Sausalito, California. Go Wild provided training to NatureBridge environmental educators. www.naturebridge.org

Oakland Zoo
Oakland, California. Lead quarterly ethnobotanical walks and workshops

Occidental Arts and Ecology Center
Occidental, California. Go Wild provided leadership, project management, facilitation and community outreach in efforts to stop the export of McCloud community water by Nestle Waters of North America. We successfully organized a community forum attended by over 200 residents (15% of town population). This campaign has been won due to the hard work of many activists.

Ohlone Herbal Center
Berkeley, California. Teach Botany for Herbalists.

Phoenix Biological Consulting
Clark County, Nevada. Conducted surveys for special status plants at the 8,600 acre proposed site of Gemini photovoltaic project.

Point Reyes Field Institute
Point Reyes, California. Teach Field Botany.
Point Reyes Field Institute

Portal Limited
Accra, Ghana. Co-authored the Preliminary Management Plan for the Sustainable Development of the Ankasaho Forest Resource Management Area, Western Ghana that highlighted conservation strategies and development of medicinal and aromatic plants.
Panta Rhea Foundation
Sausalito, California. Helped Yurok, Hoopa, Klamath and Karuk tribes of Northern California successfully gain stockholder support and strengthen their position in settlement negotiations to restore salmon runs. Acted as liaison between stockholders, funder, environmentalists, Native American groups and corporate campaign activists. Additionally, Go Wild developed and supported on-going alliances of diverse water activists in North Coast and Sierra Foothills regions of California. www.pantarhea.org

Ross Elementary School
Ross, California. Ecoliteracy education for 3rd graders.

Salmon Protection and Water Network (SPAWN)
Olema, California. Led workshops as part of environmental education series for teachers.

San Francisco State University Sierra Field Campus
Calpine, California. Teach a five-day ethnobotany field class.

Siskiyou Waldorf School
Led Wisdom of the Oak classes for fourth graders

Shundahai Network
Co-coordinated week-long international demonstrations at the Nevada Nuclear Test Site attended by over 5000 participants; led consensus-building and non-violent civil resistance workshops for hundreds of participants.

Sonoma County Herb Exchange
Sebastopol, California. Botany teaching.

Temple Beth Israel Judea
San Francisco California. Designed a permaculture plan to reduce resources and highlight environmentalism within a Jewish context. Taught Deep Ecology.

United States Department of Agriculture
Forest Service. Effectively determined impacts of wildcrafting on Oregon-grape (Berberis nervosa).

University of Reno
Reno, California. Floristic survey of Great Basin plants

Watershed Research and Training Center
Hayfork, California. Performed botanical surveys focused on species with economic potential and created community herbarium. Directed community workshops on sustainable plant harvest and herbal medicine-making to provide economic alternatives for depressed logging communities. www.thewatershedcenter.com

Wilderness Torah
Berkeley, CA. Wilderness Torah awakens and celebrates the earth-based traditions of Judaism to nourish the connections between self, community, earth, and Spirit

Wood Biological Consulting
Walnut Creek, California. Conducted early Spring, Spring and late Fall surveys for special status plants on 6400 acres in the Sonoran Creosote Bush Scrub and Dry Desert Wash Woodland vegetation communities.