Jan 22, 2020
How can conscious engagement with plants, with which we’ve co-evolved since the dawn of our species, support healing in the physical, emotional and spiritual realms and help mend our separation from nature? Three brilliant herbalists/botanists, long on the...
Oct 8, 2019
When I first started eating acorns, I felt like a sheepish imposter. I intended to bond with my adopted California homeland, but the last thing I wanted to do was disrespect or appropriate Indigenous cultures. As a Jew from New York, I know I will never be indigenous...
Oct 1, 2015
Acorns have been eaten and revered for their nourishment the world over—by Celts, by Koreans, by the native people throughout North America. Perhaps your ancestors were acorn eaters – you might be surprised Long before the cultivation of wheat or the advent of...