Acting on Behalf of all Life

As the fires of racism and injustice burn, how are you holding the pain of our imperiled world? (See below for antiracist resources)   What’s on your heart as you witness the great unraveling of our economic, social, and ecological systems?  Let’s remember the...
The Vision of the Eagle

The Vision of the Eagle

When you have been listening to it for a long time, the Language of Nature requires no translation. Recently, a bald eagle was riding a thermal outside my door. Two days later, I was hiking our local mountain with my mind stressing on running a business at tax time. ...
Medicine for Viral Times

Medicine for Viral Times

When the Europeans arrived in North America, the Algonquin tribes believed the newcomers were infected by a psychic virus that turned them into Wetikos. A Wetiko is an icy-hearted predatory monster consumed with a spirit of greed that cannibalizes life.  Wetikos are...
The Origin of Human Sickness and Medicine

The Origin of Human Sickness and Medicine

My Teacher Bobby Lake-Thom (A.K.A Medicine Grizzly Bear)  died this year. He was one of the last great Medicine Men in North America. He loved the old stories and published a collection of them.  It feels appropriate to share one of his favorites: The Origin of Human...
The Intelligence of Nature

The Intelligence of Nature

Many indigenous cultures hold that the Earth is sentient and intelligent… Now cutting-edge science is coming to the same conclusion. For example, when pine trees get over-heated, they release aerosols that create clouds to deflect solar radiation. Tobacco plants...